

Ferizka Windaningrum

 A girl who loves teddy bear so much. She like reading (especially novel), writing, and k-pop (2PM is her bias). She loves to make her own imagination in her mind and dreams of prince charming. "You were born to be REAL, not to be PERFECT" and "give something even it is only a small thing" are her favorite quotes.

If you want to know more about her, kindly contact her accounts :
twitter: @ferizka_winda
Instagram: @ferizkawinda
wattpad: @fourthstar


A girl who love writing and reading. Orange is her favorite colour. She is content writer and reporter at media online based on Jakarta dan Yogyakarta. Nothing is impossible~

If you want to know more about her, kindly contact her accounts :
Twitter: vindiasari
Instagram: vindiasari
Blog:  bingkai vindi
