#29 Tradition welcoming ramadan

Marhaban ya Ramadan.

Actually, im happy. Ramadan will happen tommorow. So excited! Finally i can embrace ramadan again in this year. Thanks God, im blessed.

Before ramadan, in my family has tradition. Its called ziarah,nyekar, or visiting the grave. One week before, ramadan. I and my family visit to our family urns. I saw many ranks of cemetery. On the grave, its not my family. There are many family doing nyekar.

Foto: pixabay

My father brought some flower for sowing above the grave. First time we visited, we walked to my grandmother and grandfather from my father. Yes, my father is orphan. He is hasnt father and mother. I didnt brave to see his face. Because of my heart is crying. I cant realize, how is strong he is. He grew up without mom and dad. Now, i thought how is pityful my dad. He confronts reality by his self. He is independent, strong, hard working, and many more. I cant imagine what im in that situation. I have compelety parents, mom and dad. I didnt know, if my grow without them.

At the grave, im trying hard to hold back crying. Indonesian say mbrambangi. Hiks...
My dad said, "this is your grandfather grave's and there is grandmother grave's."
I just staring the stone that so old. After that, i prayed Al Fatihah and said on my heart something words.

Foto: pinterest

 Thanks God for all give and Your bless.Ziarah can remind me to be grateful with my life

Now, im crying.....



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